
About Covid-19

A Special Message from Fellowship Baptist Church

Update - December 31, 2021

Update - February 19, 2021

Update - February 12, 2021

Due to several recent Covid cases in our assembly, we will quarantine as a Church from meeting and worshipping together this Sunday (2/14), as well as Wednesday night (2/17). The church services will all be live streamed with NO IN-PERSON SERVICES. Break out sessions will resume the next Wednesday night (2/24).

Update - February 9, 2021

Due to several recent Covid cases in our assembly, we will quarantine as a Church from meeting and worshipping together this Wednesday night (2/10). The church service will be live streamed Wednesday evening with NO IN-PERSON SERVICES. Break out sessions will resume next Wednesday night.

Update - January 2, 2021

Our Sunday morning early service will continue through the new year for our most at-risk members and guests to attend. This is a mask-mandatory service following all social distancing guidelines seen in the graphic below.

Update - December 8, 2020

To provide extra precautions and safeguard our church families, we will quarantine as a church from meeting and worshipping together for the next 10 days. (This will be a total of 14 days between our last in-person services and our next.)

The church services will be live-streamed with NO in-person services for this period. This will include Wednesday, December 9th, our Christmas Party on Saturday, December 12th, all services for Sunday, December 13th, as well as Wednesday, December 16th.  Join us for a livestream service at or on our Fellowship Baptist Facebook page.

We will reschedule impacted scheduled events as the Lord wills. Please stay safe & God bless!

Update - November 6, 2020

Update - June 6, 2020 
Fellowship Baptist Church would like to share our phased reopening plan.
Download .PDF
Update - April 25, 2020 
Join us for a special DRIVE-IN service this Sunday, April 26, 2020 at Fellowship Baptist Church at 204 Atkinson Street in Clayton, NC.  The service begins at 11:00AM.  

Bring your family and let's worship God together on this special Sunday at Fellowship.  

Join us for a livestream 6:00PM Sunday Evening service at or on our Fellowship Baptist Facebook page.

God bless and be safe.

Update - April 17, 2020
Connect with Dr. Jenkins this Saturday morning, 4/18/20 at 10:00am for a time of encouragement!, He'll be live at the Fellowship Baptist Facebook page

We'd also love to remind you our services for Sunday, 4/19 will be held at 11am and 6pm. You can view them here on our website and also on our Facebook page.

God bless and be safe.

Update - March 27, 2020

Connect with Dr. Jenkins this Saturday morning, 3/28/20 at 9:30 for a time of encouragement!, He'll be live at the Fellowship Baptist Facebook page

Update - March 21, 2020

Update - March 18, 2020

Fellowship Baptist Church will be Live-streaming our Wednesday evening service on the church website, Fellowship Baptist Facebook page and U-Stream channel

Due to the request of the President, governor and mayor and our ongoing commitment to protect our members and help stop the spread of the Coronavirus tonight's service will only be online. Have your family join us online @ 7pm for an encouraging time in Gods Word! Let's continue to pray for our leaders, our community and each other.The leadership of our church has been monitoring the developing COVID-19 situation throughout the past 24 hours.

Update - March 14, 2020

The leadership of our church has been monitoring the developing COVID-19 situation throughout the past 24 hours.

Due to the ever changing nature of this nationwide crisis Fellowship Baptist Church will be altering the Sunday, March 15 worship service schedule as follows:

 ⁃ The 10:00AM Sunday School, the Bus Ministry, Junior Church, Teen Church and the 6:30PM Sunday Evening Service are all being canceled for tomorrow.

 ⁃ The 11:00 AM Sunday Service will continue as scheduled.

 ⁃ All senior citizens and anyone who is sick, who has been exposed to someone who is sick, or has travelled abroad recently should not attend tomorrow’s service. You can watch the service on our church U-Stream channel.

 ⁃ If you are unsure or uncomfortable leaving your home please feel no pressure to attend tomorrows service but please join us on our church U-Stream channel.

 ⁃ Please continue to pray for our President, our Governor, Health Professionals and others who are dealing with this developing crisis. Please pray for those in our community who are already being directly affected by the Coronavirus.

March 12, 2020

To all members and visitors of the Fellowship Baptist Church,

It is no surprise that we are living in uncertain times, and the events unfolding over the past week certainly are no exception. Given the current State of Emergency declaration by Governor Cooper due to the Coronavirus, our church leadership wants to ensure you that we are doing our part to be responsible members of our community. 

To continue providing a healthy and clean environment, church leadership is taking pro-active action, including:

 ⁃ Sanitizing our buildings before & after every service; 

 ⁃ Encouraging folks to avoid shaking hands; 

 ⁃ Placing additional hand sanitizer throughout our premises; and

 ⁃ Asking those who are experiencing respiratory illness, have traveled internationally within the past 14 days, have been exposed to someone with Coronavirus, and those considered as “high-risk” to stay home and join us in worship on our Fellowship Baptist U-Stream Channel!

We encourage all of our members and visitors to strictly follow the CDC and NCDHHS guidelines.

As families across our state and nation begin dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus, please join our church in lifting those affected up in prayer.

God Bless,
Pastor Jenkins and the FBC Staff
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